From There to Here

This is one of my earliest videos. The mysterious footage was obtained in the hallway of my studio building in Peekskill, and a voice-over narration was supplied by a friend.

Bricks No Mortar

For approximately twenty minutes, the viewer can observe my process of trial and error, as I struggle to construct something with large red toy bricks. Ultimately, I succeed in building a useful structure — or so it seems!

Boring and Confusing

This video is hysterical, but also quite meaningful. For about twenty minutes, I sat in front of the camera, creating a piece that makes fun of videos that are boring and confusing.

Anna of Annapolis

I created this video for an art center in Annapolis, Maryland. It was intended to arouse interest in a temporary ceramic sculptural installation that had been created by Francesca Samsel.


I cannot remember the exact inspiration for this dream-like video. Maybe it was a dream!