Working Late at Night

This work is a part of the Women Series, in which reproductions of famous artworks featuring women are the starting point for my compositions.
Unlike Most Men

This work of art from the Men Series is based upon a lovely, sensuous painting by Caravaggio.
The Butcher

Each work of art in the Women Series is based upon the image of a woman painted by a famous male artist. Here of course, I have taken Duchamp’s alteration of the Mona Lisa as my starting point.
She Cried

For this work — part of the Women Series — I cut up a poster of a Roy Lichtenstein painting. The text reveals my low opinion of women who are never satisfied!
She Avoided Close Encounters

This is one of the most poignant collages in the Women Series. I cut up a poster version of a fresco painting by Botticelli.
She Always Knew

Like all of the collages in the Women Series, this work was created by cutting up a poster of a famous artwork. In this case, I cut up a poster reproduction of the grisaille version of Ingres’ famous Grande Odalisque.
Resting on His Laurels

This example of a collage from the Men Series, includes a sarcastic text and snippets of an image by Toulouse-Lautrec.
His Mind Was No Longer Sharp

This is a work from the Men Series, in which I combine snippets of text with fragments of famous portraits of men.
Like Most Women

In the late nineties, I created a large body of work known as The Women Series. I cut up posters of great works of art by MEN that represented WOMEN.
Her Laughter Was Contagious

This is an example of a collage from the Women Series. I have used a poster of a painting by Roy Lichtenstein as the starting point for a composition that mocks the woman portrayed. She looks like such a “dumb blond!”