On the Shoulders of Women
I love Women’s History Month — for a variety of reasons. For one thing, I like learning about and celebrating the accomplishments of women.
Cause and Effect: From the Industrial Revolution to Women’s Liberation
Honestly, it’s OK to LOL (Humor in Art, Then and Now)
Art in The Age of Money
I was incredibly pleased to have been nominated, and then selected, as one of fifty artists to be honored by ArtsWestchester.
Wish List for the Missing Girls of Nigeria
I am not Marina Abramovic
Birthing My Art
As an art historian, I am very comfortable speaking about artists from many periods of western art.
Modern and Contemporary Art for Dummies
It’s Tough Being A Woman, But…
A Ghost Never Dies
Gene Panzcenko and I used his documentary footage of the demolition of an historical structure in Peekskill to create a poignant condemnation of municipal mismanagement and political ineptitude.